Our Family History
I started researching genealogy in 1997 as a project to keep me occupied and my mind active. I have learned some astounding things about my family, contacted many ‘cousins’ I didn’t know before I started this. Over the years, I have met many genealogy enthused friends. Meeting distant cousins has been one of the highlights of my research efforts. Researching the past has been challenging and taught me to use the technology of the present. A bit about me – I’m an only child and moved frequently – the longest I have lived in an area has been in the last decade and a half or so. Through genealogy, I have found that I have a much larger family than I had ever believed. I am retired, a father, grandfather, a great grandfather, husband (twice), no longer the chief cook and bottle-washer (my wife has retired), read a lot, love coffee, enjoy music, play the guitar and ukulele and am learning other instruments – keyboard, mandolin, violin, zaphoon and clarinet – steel slide guitar is also on my list; I write songs and music. I am also very interested in webdesign and technology. When not doing the things already mentioned, you'll most likely find me in the garden or greenhouse! I have also recently started to turn wood. The image at the top of the page is a scan of the City of London Freedom parchment that was granted to my maternal grandfather, Charles Robottom, in 1918. The pages containing personal data on this site for living people are restricted, so please contact me for more information. If you wish to register for access to see all the information, please also explain your interest and any possible links - I prefer to limit full access to people with a link to my tree. Please read our Privacy Policy This site has just been upgraded to the latest version of the software and may have some odd results - please inform me if you find any errors.Contact Us